Category: Constipation

Treat Constipation Wisely

Over the years, people have come up with a lot of different ways to treat constipation. Some are better than others and each person may respond to treatments differently. If constipation is a chronic problem for you, you may need to experiment with several types of constipation treatments before you find the one that will  … Read more

Living with IBS with Constipation

In recent years the medical community is releasing more and more information about IBS with constipation. This is great news for anyone who suffers from the effects of this chronic condition. The more that is known about the causes, effects, and ways to treat IBS, the better the quality of life will be for sufferers.  … Read more

Which Constipation Symptoms Should You Worry About?

Constipation symptoms are quite common and bowel incontinence is known to strike several times per year for the average person.  Yet, a constipation problem is rarely diagnosed by a doctor because most of us do not have the time to see one.  Plus, since constipation pain tends to be relatively minor in most short term  … Read more

Warning–Relieving Constipation May Save Your Life

It is not as though we are not motivated when it comes to relieving constipation—who really wants to endure the pain and discomfort associated with the problem any longer than they have to?  However, none of us has the time or money to go see the doctor for constipation treatment every time we experience some  … Read more

Why Do Pregnancy and Constipation Seem To Be Linked?

During pregnancy, constipation is the last thing that you need to be worrying about.  With all the changes that occur in the female body while pregnant, it may not seem all that difficult to believe that constipation is just one of the many side effects of pregnancy.  However, many women assume that cravings and other  … Read more

What Happens When Constipation Treatment Fails?

Few of us actually consult with our physician when it comes to constipation treatment and the condition remains the number one medical problem that does not get diagnosed.  No one wants to bother with finding our insurance cards, making the appointment, and then going through the hassle of getting time off of work to seek  … Read more

Can Constipation Diet Help or Just a Waste of Time?

We are all starting to read more and more about how a constipation diet can help us prevent bowel incontinence and live a healthier life in the process.  But, when the store shelves are lined with so many over the counter constipation remedies that can provide near-immediate relief—why should we bother with some special diet  … Read more

Best Constipation Cures Use All Natural Ingredients

It is not hard to find shelves filled with all types of constipation cures.  Some of the most popular over the counter constipation remedies include: Laxatives Enemas Suppositories Herbal Supplements Colon Cleansers By popularity alone, it would seem like a laxative is by far and away the best constipation cure out there.  In truth, using  … Read more

To Resolve Constipation You Must Find the Cause

Far too often, we are lulled into the belief that the causes of constipation all seem to center around food.  If we force ourselves to believe that any type of constipation is caused simply by what we eat, then it is easier to think that the condition is controllable and no serious medical threat.  Plus,  … Read more

Bowel Incontinence May Be More Serious Problem Than You Think!

Who among us can honestly say that we haven’t suffered from a little bowel incontinence every now and then—especially during the holidays when we are eating all those wonderful and rich foods!  Having a constipation problem is about the most natural and common medical issue that any of us can have.  However, few of us  … Read more