Category: Constipation

Clean Bowels Best Cure for Constipation

You can look up and down the aisles at the pharmacy and still never find any true constipation cures.  The simple fact is that there are simply too many potential problems or conditions that can be the cause of constipation that no true cure exists.  Many of the common constipation remedies sold on the shelves  … Read more

Constipation in Children-Is There Any End to the Madness?

Just as with adults, constipation in children is a frequent problem that we parents must contend with.  Again, like adults, the symptoms typically include:  infrequent bowel movements;  pain or discomfort when passing stool;  abdominal or lower back pain when having bowel movement.  However, unlike we adults who may turn to laxatives for constipation relief, using  … Read more

Baby Constipation-How Can You Tell When There is a Problem?

Baby constipation is no minor concern because human feces is filled with dangerous toxins and harmful bacteria that really need to be evacuated from the body in a timely and consistent manner.  Toxins can end up damaging developing cells and excess levels of bacteria will lead to infections and a weakened immune system.  And, no  … Read more

Infant Constipation May Be Difficult to Spot

Infant constipation is certainly nothing new to parents.  However, it can be very difficult to understand when your child is having a constipation problem because they are unable to tell you when things are not working properly.  While we may be relieved not to be changing smelly diapers for a few days—the fact is that  … Read more

Toddler Constipation Frustrating During Potty Training

Dealing with toddler constipation is very difficult for many new parents.  One of the most frustrating things is trying to decide whether or not your baby is having a constipation problem.  After all, the frequency of bowel movements can change several times in just the first year so that it can be challenging to know  … Read more

What Happens When Frequent Bowel Movements Become Infrequent

Having frequent bowel movements is something to be proud of because it means that your body is disposing of toxins and bacteria properly.  A constipation problem, on the other hand, means that those waste products are building up in your body.  When bacteria levels get too high, a condition known as septicemia may form.  Basically  … Read more

Constipation Relief-Is It Worth the Price You Pay?

None of us can really deny seeking some form of constipation relief from time to time.  Short term constipation symptoms are thought to be the most common medical problems faced by people but this cannot be confirmed because they are also the most undiagnosed.  And honestly, who can blame any of us for not wanting  … Read more

Prevention is Best Constipation Cure

People looking for a true constipation cure are sure to be disappointed because no such thing actually exists.  While we can take products that will help with constipation symptoms once they arise, the fact is that the condition may arise due to a number of circumstances or medical problems.  Thus, any constipation remedy will depend  … Read more

Chronic Constipation Can Cause Death When Untreated!

While you may want to believe that chronic constipation is little more than an inconvenience that will not lead to any serious medical problems—nothing could be further from the truth.  The fact is that constipation symptoms are no laughing matter because they may actually be part of a larger medical problem, such as: Diabetes MS  … Read more

Constipation Treatment and Prevention

Why Laxatives Are Not Best Constipation Treatment Option A simple and effective means of treating short term constipation is the laxative.  A laxative works by stimulating the gastrointestinal tract and initiating the Peristaltic action responsible for moving waste from your stomach, through the intestines and colon, and then through and out the rectum.  While laxatives  … Read more