Category: Constipation

Constipation and Pregnancy

Hormone Imbalance and Constipation While many expectant moms are prepared for such things as increased weight gain and odd cravings, few are prepared for the discomfort of constipation during pregnancy.  All pregnant women do not report bowel problems but a great many do find that constipation during pregnancy seems to be worse and very noticeable.   … Read more

Constipation in Children

Many of the same causes of adult constipation will lead to children having infrequent or painful bowel movements as well.  However, the primary difference between the two groups is that it is much more common for emotional concerns to be the source of child constipation than is the case with adults. One of the most  … Read more

Constipation Due to Aging

While constipation is a concern for any and all, it is especially prevalent in both the very young and the elderly.  As with toddlers and small children, the consequences for not treating constipation for the elderly can be very severe.  While the body can sustain longer periods without a bowel movement during early to mid  … Read more

Right Constipation Diet Can Save You Lots of Discomfort

We all know that infrequent bowel movements are a fact of life which is why many consider a constipation diet to be a waste of time.  While all of us have experienced the minor discomfort of short term constipation, it would be almost unbearable to imagine the pain and aggravation of chronic constipation. Many constipation  … Read more

Constipation Basics

No condition is experienced by more and yet treated less than constipation.  It can strike suddenly and linger around for days on end without relief causing irritability, abdominal pains, fatigue, and sometimes pain when passing stool.  While it may be caused by temporary conditions such as sudden travel or dehydration, other, more serious, health factors  … Read more

Troubles with Severe Constipation

Severe constipation may not be something we are all familiar with but we all have had some difficulty with a bowel movement every now and again.  It may be due to some changes in the diet or perhaps just not drinking enough water for a couple of days.  The truth is, minor constipation is unavoidable  … Read more

Laxatives for Constipation Relief Can Be Dangerous

Like it or not, constipation relief is something we all need from time to time.  Now perhaps the constipation developed as a result of traveling, a sudden change in diet, or even using some new medication.  No matter the cause, all we really needs is some constipation relief.  Unfortunately, not all constipation relief is beneficial  … Read more

Constipation Problems And Hormones

Constipation can occur for a number of reasons, such as:  recent travel, sudden change to diet, side effect of medication, lack of exercise, poor diet, and even dehydration.  Add to that list blockages, polyps, and even colon cancer—and it becomes easy to see why most of us prefer to not even talk about their constipation  … Read more

Constipation Help: Is It Time To Get Some

Constipation is a difficult condition to define as it can include any of the following symptoms:  infrequent bowel movements, difficulty and perhaps even pain with bowel movements, and hard or dry stool.  In most cases, constipation help is not sought because there are so many common factors that can cause the problem, such as: poor  … Read more

What Causes Constipation During Pregnancy

Constipation during pregnancy is probably the last thing you want to worry about.  Pregnancy is the miracle of life, but as your body prepares for the birth of your baby, weight gain, food cravings, and hormonal changes can make pregnancy difficult on any woman.  While most women share their pregnancy experiences with other “mommies to  … Read more