Category: Constipation

Constipation Cure: Does One Exist

A constipation cure would be a very profitable item because infrequent bowel movements are quite common and can occur for any number of reasons.  Some of the more common causes of constipation are:  recent change in diet, side effect of new medication use, dehydration, pregnancy, poor nutrition, and even perhaps even a blockage in the  … Read more

How Are Constipation and Abdominal Pain Connected

We all know that constipation and abdominal pain are connected but do not give it a passing thought.  While there is usually some degree of discomfort in the abdomen area after infrequent bowel movements, it tends to be a rather dull pain that goes away soon after defecation.  However, chronic constipation and abdominal pain can  … Read more

Chronic Constipation: The Deadly Secret

Constipation is thought to be the most frequent medical condition suffered by people but it remains one of the least treated problems.  Much of this is due to the relative frequency of constipation and the fact that symptoms tend to be relatively minor and limited to infrequent bowel movements and difficulty passing stool. The consequences  … Read more

Why Colon Constipation is Serious Health Issue

Many of us miskenly believe that colon constipation is not a serious health issue.  However, it is the colon that stores and ultimately evacuates the solid waste from your body unless colon constipation or some sort of blockage is causing problems.  When our body uses nutrients to make energy, waste is always produced.  The solid  … Read more

Chronic Constipation Should Concern You!

Chronic constipation is a condition that is hard to pin down because there is no absolute number that represents how many days should pass in between movements.  Normal bowel movements may occur a couple of times a day for some of us while it may two to three days for others.  We should all know  … Read more

Childhood Constipation Difficult to Spot

Childhood constipation is actually caused by many of the same factors that cause the condition in adults.  Constipation is not terribly difficult to spot because with intense pain in the abdomen, several days passing between bowel movements, and the pain associated with trying to pass hard, dry stool—the symptoms are pretty obvious. The pain and  … Read more

Constipation in a Child Requires Special Attention

Child constipation is a common problem for many of us while growing up and can be a considerable source of pain and suffering.  Loosely defined as having infrequent bowel movements or having pain or discomfort when passing stool. While there may not be many differences between the causes of adult and child constipation, there are  … Read more

Constipation- Under Diagnosed Problem in Patients

Just about everybody at one point or another will experience abdominal pain. Did you know that many times constipation is your abdominal pain culprit? A new study led by a University of Iowa researcher showed that acute and chronic constipation together accounted for nearly half of all cases of acute abdominal pain in children treated  … Read more

Constipation: Can Diet Alone Help?

While the most common form of treatment, laxatives are not the best way to avoid or treat constipation.  Although laxatives will stimulate the colon and help pass blocked stool, they may be habit forming and debilitate your body to the point that it is no longer able to have normal bowel movements on its own.   … Read more

Back Pain and Constipation Are They Linked?

The typical back pain constipation symptoms are:  infrequent bowel movements (this varies by individual), and pain or difficulty when trying to pass stool.  It is common for lower back pain and constipation to be linked.  However, in the vast majority of cases, the symptoms are less severe and usually the result of consuming greasy foods  … Read more